As we grow, We split up

How important relationships are!?

Narcissus 🥀
3 min read5 days ago
Image taken by the author

Relationships are as sensitive as flowers. They are to be loved or liked, yet there are still some differences. If you like flowers, you’ll pluck them up; and if you love flowers, you’ll water them and let them bloom to their desired limits. Humans on this planet have developed many relationships directly or indirectly with one another. Some are too close to our hearts to forget.

As time passes, every worldly affection comes to an end unless a person truly loves someone by its soul. Dwelling in this beautiful planet, we forget that as we grow, we split up even after that we live with risks and uncertainties.

Some days ago, after struggling for two to three years without any refreshing break, I, along with my mother and brother, went to a family park that's located in the Cantonment of my city. The park is only 10 minutes away from our residence by taxi, so we decided to cover this distance on foot.

Throughout our little journey, we widened our eyes cherishing the natural beauty of trees along the roadside. The sun was just going to set and that view filled our hearts with felicity. Each of our steps moving towards our destination echoed our satisfaction. After reaching the park, we managed to sit on a bench under a tree and giggled at seeing the dramatic activities of the squirrels around us.

I could find nothing but those squirrels who were hungry enough to eat my biscuits. My mother and brother took my phone and went to the other side to take some selfies and pictures of the surroundings while I got a chance to sit silent and allow my mind to rush back to the past.

My eyes filled with warm tears when I remembered that I used to come to the same park with my grandpa, the man of his words! He used to buy us ice cream, chocolates, and other eatables to have proper fun and a memorable picnic.

Even if, today, I brought all these kinds of stuff with me, their relish is partial without my grandpa’s presence. As I grew up, I witnessed many departures of my elders from this temporary world and no doubt, one day, we’ll also leave it.

Authentic affection is when, if you’ve ever got the chance to keep someone very close to your heart, you wait. Your patience tests your love and loyalty.

How beautiful the thought is of wishing to meet our beloved ones in heaven in the hereafter. This thirst for meetup makes your love sacred and precious. The most fascinating and elegant thing is that your soul desires to meet them. The connection of the soul is stronger than that of the heart. This becomes a great motivation for those who are seeking the people whom they’ve lost either they left them physically or spiritually.

People may ignore you when you make yourself common for them. Be expensive! As we grow, we split up into factions. The family, whose foundation is laid by a couple, thrives to become enormous by giving birth to children and then grandchildren. Then these children grow and spill around.

“When formalities start, relationships die.”

An example that can illustrate my point is Common Dandelion; when it's enriched in its pollen grains, it disperses them in the air, and wherever these pollen grains fall, a new population of flowers comes into existence.

Common Dandelion

The same natural cycle implies relationships. As we grow, we become outdated and exist only in the form of reminiscences. However, if people still take care of you and you also accept them, you ought to be grateful!

Thanks for reading!



Narcissus 🥀

I'm a writer of short stories and quotes & a passionate learner; I write to decline my pains. I'm grateful to my teacher who always encourages me to explore.